Quick Navigation: Branding Creates A Competitive Advantage 4 Goals of Branding Branding Makes Your Company Stand Out Branding Your Business Builds Trust and Loyalty 3 Ways to Establish Customer Loyalty Branding Harness The Power of Emotions Branding Influences Consumer Behavior and Purchasing Intentions How Digital PR Strategies Can Enhance Brand Perception Branding is important– not Read more →
Digital PR is more than just a buzzword. It’s the key to success for just about any individual or business in today’s modern world. It swaps traditional PR strategies like manual outreach for newspaper and magazine features for search engine optimization, social media, web development, online reviews, influencer campaigns, and videos. Without it, it can Read more →
What is Influencer Marketing? In the past, influencer marketing was basically just featuring celebrities in advertisements for products and services in print, television, and radio ads. The “Got Milk?” campaign should ring a bell. Influencer marketing has evolved into a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers on their Read more →
Digital PR is an integrated strategy for brands to shape their overall web presence and digital footprint. By converging SEO, social media, sponsored search, and website design, brands can leverage the individual components of Digital PR to manage every aspect of their brand online. Traditional PR evolved due to the need for companies to promote Read more →
When most people think of public relations (PR), they often picture a publicist who crafts press releases and attempts to place them in newspapers and industry-specific publications by reaching out to their contact list for that industry. Decades ago, this is exactly what PR was. It was all about building successful relationships with the press, Read more →