Brand assets are the unique characteristics of an organization that consumers use to distinguish a brand from its competitors. Many organizations possess brand assets that could be used as leverage but are unaware that these assets exist.
The following information was developed to help organizations identify their current brand assets, develop new ones, and learn how to use these elements as leverage in the business.
What Are Brand Assets?
There are many elements, both tangible and intangible, that are unique to a brand image. Certain criteria must be met for a brand characteristic to be deemed an asset.
Examples of Brand Assets Include:
- Slogans
- Logos
- Songs
- Sounds
- Color Palettes
- Packaging
Unique brand characteristics are considered assets when they are easily recognizable to most and/or all consumers.
Benefits of Brand Assets
Developing and strengthening brand assets has the potential to provide an organization with numerous benefits.
Benefits of Brand Assets Include:
- Improved Advertisement Effectiveness
- Increased Leads, Sales, Revenue
- Relevance of Brand
- Broadened Consumer Reach
It is crucial to ensure that your branding is truly unique. Otherwise, your marketing efforts could backfire, even accidental advertising for your competitors could result. Consumers could mistake your brand for another company if the logo, slogan, or color scheme resembles another business.
Identify Brand Assets
Organizations will need to make a list and seek feedback from consumers to determine which brand characteristics are truly assets.
1. Compile a List of all Brand Elements
Compile a list of all characteristics that could potentially be considered brand assets. This list should include past, current, and future ideas for the brand.
2. Collect Feedback
Consumers are always the best way to evaluate the value and effectiveness of a brand asset. Reach out to audiences to determine which elements are familiar and most associated with your brand image. Collect this information, along with demographic data, to use for further evaluation.
3. Conclusion
Use the data collected to review and determine which of the elements listed are unique and recognizable to consumers.
Leveraging Brand Assets
After you have identified which elements are distinctly original to your brand image you can then use these elements as leverage. There are several things that you can do to increase the effectiveness of your assets, including organizing these assets and using them consistently.
Develop a Plan
Brand assets are not effective when alone. A unique logo, sound, or packaging on its own is not enough to stand out among other businesses. You need to develop a strategy and determine which assets are the strongest and most effective. Once determined, these are the elements that should be the central focus of your marketing campaign.
Organization is an important element of using your brand assets to their max potential. These assets should be readily available for use by the marketing team and other members of staff. Organize them into a program that is easy to navigate and access.
Brand assets should be used consistently to remain in consumers’ minds. This means that they should be utilized on all platforms, including core websites, social media profiles, and other channels.
New Assets
It is important to be cautious, evaluate, and research thoroughly before investing in new brand assets. They should be unique, relevant, and have the potential for prominence in your industry.
Use consumer feedback to regularly evaluate the strength of any new brand asset. Never use an asset alone unless it ranks highly and is recognizable to all consumers.
Always keep an eye on competitors to ensure that they aren’t stealing your assets. Protect your brand assets by copyrighting or trademarking these elements.
Digital PR Can Help
Digital PR is the latest initiative from Exults Digital Marketing Agency. Digital PR helps organizations create, identify, and develop effective brand assets and influence how your brand is viewed online. They also provide their clients with an extensive list of digital marketing services.
Digital PR Services Include:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Social Media Account Management
- Press Releases
- Websites
- More
Reach out to Digital PR today for more information about their results-driven services.